
本章节主要说明如何安装Cuckoo。推荐Linux系统(Debian 或者 Ubuntu 等)。


【译者注】 测试过程中选择了Debian 8, Debian下大部分的软件安装方式与Ubuntu是类似的

Although the recommended setup is GNU/Linux (Debian or Ubuntu preferably), Cuckoo has proved to work smoothly on Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows 7 as host as well. The recommended and tested setup for guests are Windows XP and 64-bit Windows 7 for Windows analysis, Mac OS X Yosemite for Mac OS X analysis, and Debian for Linux Analysis, although Cuckoo should work with other releases of guest Operating Systems as well.


This documentation refers to Host as the underlying operating systems on which you are running Cuckoo (generally being a GNU/Linux distribution) and to Guest as the Windows virtual machine used to run the isolated analysis.